So, I am catching up my post, have all my pictures and been so busy I really need to catch I am posting all in one day!
I am blessed, my niece Melissa (or as I call her Missie) lives here in the same town with me....

I have been lucky to have a close relationship with Missie...she has a sugar sweet personality, I love her dearly. She calls me "Auntie"
Missie got married over 2 years ago....her husband, like my husband, works a lot...Missie works full time but lots of times we are able to meet for dinner when she gets off work....Missie has a baby girl that is 19 months old... that makes me a great auntie....boy I feel old...Kamy may as well be my 3rd grand daughter....She reminds me so much of Missie when she was a baby...I love spending time with her. Kamy is super smart for her age and really talking....I feel really bad for my sister, this being her only grand child and living out of state....I know how terribly they miss each other...When I am with Kamy I try to send my sister lots of pictures, I don't want her to miss anything! Missie invited me to go to the pumpkin patch a few weeks back...there is a house here in town and they fill that back yard with nothing but pumpkins and gourds. They have cute little cut outs so the kids can get behind them and get their picture made...we tried a few but Kamy wasn't tall
tons of pumpkins all sizes every where....

to be honest, after Kamy took a look around, she was more interested in her bottle of water!

this is me with Kamy

Kamy called the pumpkins "apples" lol

I love fall.....even though as you can see how we are dressed it was a warm day. we ended up buying 3 small pumpkins for Kamy to paint later....